What is Spiritual Bypassing? And why is it a dangerous approach to enlightenment?

The message keeps coming through from Spirit...

"You have to dig through the dirt to get to the gold." Meaning, that by clearing 'the gunk' (aka pain, trauma, blocks, limiting beliefs, etc) we will literally become more clear and magnetic. Which, I find kind of funny because it is said that our aura has this gold and white light that surrounds it, especially when the chakras are balanced, and clear! 🌈✨

BUT... Spirit wanted me to remind people to avoid spiritual bypassing!! 😆

In our fast-paced world, the quest for spiritual enlightenment and personal growth has become increasingly popular. Many individuals seek solace, meaning, and purpose in their lives by turning to various spiritual practices. While these practices can indeed be transformative, there is a potential pitfall known as "spiritual bypassing." This phenomenon occurs when individuals use spiritual beliefs or practices to avoid dealing with uncomfortable emotions, unresolved issues, or real-world problems. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of spiritual bypassing, its impact on personal growth, and how to cultivate a more authentic and balanced spiritual journey.

So, What is Spiritual Bypassing?
Spiritual bypassing refers to the tendency to use spiritual beliefs or practices as a defense mechanism to avoid confronting emotional wounds or addressing real-life challenges. It is a way of bypassing the messiness of the human experience in favor of focusing solely on the positive or transcendent aspects of spirituality. While it may provide temporary relief, spiritual bypassing can hinder genuine growth and prevent individuals from truly integrating their spiritual beliefs into their daily lives.

Let's say for example you want to attract a partner, so you buy a rose quartz ring (from Modern Magic of course;). However, that ring will only help you if you have already started the work of reframing some of the limiting beliefs such as, I do not deserve love, there's no good men/women out there, etc.

The healing "work" (I actually like to say LOVING on yourself instead of working on yourself), is what ultimately creates the transformations... Whether that is becoming a clearer channel and/or attracting our heart's desires. The crystal ring, for example, will assist you with this but will not be the sole reason you manifest a partner.

💎Also, try to approach "digging through dirt" as fun, like finding the hidden treasure! Try to not get too stuck on feeling like you are never healed enough to attract what you want, that will just keep the "not enough" storylines on repeat!


Below are some tips and tricks to help you navigate...

Signs of Spiritual Bypassing:
Recognizing the signs of spiritual bypassing is crucial for anyone on a spiritual path. Here are a few common indicators:

1. Emotional avoidance: Suppressing or denying negative emotions in the belief that they are "negative" or "unspiritual."

2. Disconnection from the body: Neglecting physical sensations and focusing solely on transcendent experiences, leading to a detachment from the present moment.

3. Overemphasis on positivity: Constantly striving to maintain a positive mindset while dismissing or denying any negativity or suffering.

4. Judgment and intolerance: Using spiritual beliefs as a means to justify one's own judgments or prejudices, thereby avoiding self-reflection.

5. Intellectualizing and bypassing emotions: Relying excessively on spiritual concepts or philosophy to rationalize or bypass genuine emotional experiences.

The Impact of Spiritual Bypassing:
Engaging in spiritual bypassing may offer temporary relief, but it can hinder true personal growth and lead to a lack of authenticity and connection. By avoiding the necessary inner work and the integration of our shadows, we miss out on opportunities for genuine healing, transformation, and self-awareness. Spiritual bypassing can also strain relationships and hinder our ability to connect empathetically with others. Ultimately, it creates a gap between our spiritual aspirations and the reality of our lives.

Cultivating an Authentic Spiritual Journey:
To embark on an authentic spiritual journey, it is essential to acknowledge and address the potential pitfalls of spiritual bypassing. Here are some strategies to help cultivate a balanced and transformative path:

1. Self-awareness: Develop a keen sense of self-awareness by regularly checking in with your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Recognize when you are using spirituality to avoid uncomfortable truths or unresolved issues.

2. Embrace the whole spectrum of emotions: Instead of suppressing or bypassing difficult emotions, allow yourself to experience them fully. Emotions are messengers that provide valuable insights and opportunities for growth.

3. Shadow work: Explore your shadow self, the unconscious parts of your personality that contain repressed or denied aspects. Engage in practices such as therapy, journaling, or meditation to bring these aspects to light and integrate them into your consciousness.

4. Practice self-compassion: Be gentle with yourself throughout your spiritual journey. Understand that growth takes time and that setbacks and challenges are part of the process. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, just as you would treat a close friend.

5. Cultivate a support network: Surround yourself with individuals who can hold space for your growth and provide honest feedback. Seek out mentors, therapists, or spiritual communities that encourage genuine self-reflection and personal growth.


If you are already doing or have done the reprogramming, shadow work, etc. I would love to further assist you in moving through some of that stuck energy with some of my amazing 1:1 sessions, one of them being “𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐦 𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭!” In this season, I will call in all parts of you from all dimensions to heal, clear and shift out of old paradigms that are no longer serving you and into one for your highest and greatest good. ⚡️

To schedule a session for quantum alignment visit: https://BookWithBrit.as.me/QuantumAlignment